Palm Sunday All Ages Service - March 24th

 There will be no kid::life or Transit programming. Instead we invite everyone to worship together!

Passover Meal - March  25th

Join us for a family friendly time to remember the Exodus from Egypt and how Jesus fulfills the hopes and dreams of His people. We will have a full, delicious meal that is similar to what the Jewish people have shared for many centuries. Please invite friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors. Youth and children are especially welcome!

Common Grounds  // onsite only
Registration is closed- FULL

Stations of The Cross

Stop by Room 380 during Holy Week for a self-guided walk through Stations of the Cross experience. As you walk through each of the 12 stations designed by artist Scott Erickson, you will be invited to read and reflect on Jesus’ journey to the cross. The room is self-paced, but should take about 30-45 minutes to complete.
“As you work through these stations, may you see the that we are not troubled guests in this world… that we are not forsaken… and that the good news of this season was expressed best by Jesus when He said…’I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’” 

Good Friday- March 29th

In the Main Auditorium // onsite + online
Childcare available at the 6pm service only for kids ages 2 and under .

Easter - March 31

Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with us Easter Sunday at 8, 9:30 or 11AM // onsite + online
Normal Kid::Life services at 9:30 + 11AM
No Transit (5th + 6th grade) services