Submit to the ERF review team before proceeding with a CRF. Thank you!
Choose One
Congregational Life
Counseling Center
Kid Life
Life Groups
Living Word Men
Living Word Women
Pastoral Care
Worship Arts
Ministry Leader & Support Admin
Program or Event Name
Date Requested
Program Start & End Times
Have you checked the LW Events calendar for potential surrounding conflicts? Please choose one:
Which Program Strategy does this event align with? Please check all that apply:
Commit to a life of discipleship
Learn and practice the ways of Jesus
Attend worship with others
Connect with others in a group
Seek out and engage with a spiritual mentor
Serve on a team
Attend our church celebrations
Invite those far from God to follow Jesus
Which ministry value will this event demonstrate? Please check all that apply:
See, name, & know one another
Admit we are all broken
Expect the gospel to work
Practice the Way of Jesus
Celebrate stories of God’s grace
Share generously for missional impact
Will this event help this happen? Encounter Jesus Together. Reorients our love: of God, of neighbors, of self. Transfers our loyalty: to Christ as King, to the people of God, to the extension of the Kingdom. Choose one:
Please select what resources you'll need for this event:
Facilities: What room type do you need?
Main auditorium or LifeCenter (automatically means tech support for sound and production)
Large rooms e.g. 380, 400, Common Grounds, Next Gen
Breakout rooms
Facilities Other:
Tech: What Audio/Visual Support is needed?
Microphones for speaking
Live Music
Presentation (includes multimedia or video)
Offered online
None of the above
Please list rehearsal times
Scheduling: When is the event?
Sunday Morning
Sunday after services 12p-9p
Normal work hours, Monday-Thursday 9a-5p
Evening hours, Sunday to Thursday 5-9 p.
Weekend hours, Friday-Saturday any time
Other: Please list any other resources needed
Does this event align clearly with our new Mission, Program Strategies, Values, & Spiritual Outcomes? Choose one:
If it does not align it is cause for pause. Please explain briefly why you believe we should proceed with this request