I Need Help to Pray Better for My Children

A Few Resources for Praying with and for Your Children
Guest Blogger - Kendall Potter
This past Sunday, we learned a bit about God’s new design for families as found in Deuteronomy.  Like many of you, I’m always looking for resources to help me pray with my kids and for them. I especially like when prayers are written out for me, so I can still pray when I can’t find the words. These are just a few of the books that I have found helpful.
Little Prayers for Ordinary Days by Katy Bowser Hutson, Flo Paris Oakes, and Tish Harrison Warren

 This sweet little book is filled with short, simple prayers especially written for young children. There are a variety of prayers for simple moments in your child’s day, like a prayer for play time, a prayer for taking a bath, and prayers for the start and ending of a school day. These simple prayers will help your child establish a rhythm of praying for ordinary moments in their day.

To Light Their Way: A Collection of Prayers & Liturgies for Parents by Kayla Craig

I love this book! If you use the daily prayer feature on the Living Word App, you’ve probably heard me pray a prayer or two out of this book. I like how this book doesn’t shy away from tough subjects, like prayers for gun violence in schools or when you find out that your child is bullying someone else. But there are also lovely prayers in here to help celebrate and mark happy occasions. I turn to this book a lot.
The Lord’s Prayer: Words of Hope and Happiness by Rick Warren

Of course, scripture is filled with written prayers and The Lord’s Prayer is probably the most well-known of them all. I especially like how this book has the words of the Lord’s Prayer but then expands each section of the prayer a little to help kids grasp the meaning. (So you don’t have to tackle explaining “Hallowed be thy name” on your own!) The illustrations by Richard Jesse Watson are also really sweet.
Those are just three of the many, many books that can help you shape the prayer life of your family.

Shoot me an email at to let me know of any others you’ve found helpful!
