Baptism is an important milestone in the Christian life and one of the sacraments observed at Living Word. We encourage anyone who has placed their faith in Jesus and who has not experienced a Christian baptism to be baptized. We love celebrating stories of God’s transforming love and seeing people take this beautiful step of faith.

Next Steps


Our Spring Baptism Service is March 30 during all 3 morning services. If you are interested in receiving information on future baptisms, please fill out the general interest form below.
 If you have any questions, contact Abi Wagner, or at x160.

Living Word baptizes children who are old enough to both understand and verbally confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Each child who desires to be baptized should have a basic understanding of the gospel and be able to individually express their desire to take this step of faith. We periodically offer a children's baptism class where we cover all the basics about baptism and encourage parents to register their children if they want to learn more.

Baptism is 1) an act of obedience for those who have trusted in Jesus as Savior and Lord, 2) a picture of our union with Christ in his death and resurrection, and 3) a public declaration of our commitment to Jesus as King and His way of life. While baptism is a step every believer should take we believe it is not a requirement for salvation.

Christ was baptized - he is our model. Christ made baptism an important part of our life with him. Baptism is not merely a responsibility and demonstration but also a privilege. We have the opportunity to evidence our trust in and love for our King through baptism. The desire to be baptized should be motivated by our hope to glorify God in faithful obedience. Any other motivation (to join a particular local church, to please a friend or family member, etc.) should not be the ultimate reason for seeking to be baptized.

While Scripture allows for some variety here, we believe that total immersion under the water is best because it is true to the meaning of what baptism symbolizes-death and new life.

In the Bible, most people were baptized soon after they made a commitment of their life to Christ. If that is true for you - then now is the time to be baptized. If you placed your faith in Jesus some time ago but have not yet experienced a Christian baptism, we encourage you to take this step of faith and obedience.
