It is our desire for each person to find fresh starts, second chances, and new beginnings, through the grace and mercy of God.
We follow the guidance of God’s Word, seek out God’s Wisdom, and work in concert with God’s Spirit for each client.
We follow the guidance of God’s Word, seek out God’s Wisdom, and work in concert with God’s Spirit for each client.

We provide Counseling and Coaching Services from a distinctly Christian worldview. Whether you are encountering typical life stressors, facing serious life struggles, or desiring a personal development plan for your future, we are here for you.

Our professionally trained Providers offer services that promote personal well-being, emotional and relational health, and spiritual growth as you address many of life’s situations and challenges.

Wellness Seminar
We all encounter difficult circumstances - whether at work or at home; with family, co-workers, friends, or partners; or with those we know deeply, or those we have just met. Our greatest challenge is to reflect the life of Jesus. Our Wellness Seminar will evaluate these complicated relational dynamics, in light of the teachings of scripture. This seminar will include live teaching, group discussion, a panel discussion, and a time for Q & A. Register here!
Location & Hours
- Office Location: Living Word Community Church
- Administrative Hours: Monday through Thursday: 12PM to 4PM
- Counseling Sessions: Monday through Thursday: By Appointment
- Session Fees & Third-Party Reimbursement: Established by Provider
- Reduced Rated: Available for regular attendees of Living Word