The Applause of Heaven
Earlier this summer, I was at my niece's medical school graduation ceremony. After four long and hard years of work, she, along with 190 other graduates, was honored with energetic and appreciative applause. I was one of those giving my enthusiastic congratulations to the newly confirmed medical doctors. It was wonderful to be a part of the applauding audience. I am sure it was more wonderful to be receiving the applause.
Years ago, the famous preacher and author, Max Lucado, talked about the Applause of Heaven and the Audience of One.
God is the great and true reality. God is the beginning and the end, the first word and the final word. The one in whom we live and move and have our being. Therefore, what matters most is living Coram Deo (before the face of God).
In Genesis 17:1, God invites and instructs Abraham: Walk before me and be blameless or holy.
In Genesis 48:15-16, Jacob, nearing the end of his life, describes Abraham and Isaac as walking faithfully before God.
In the Gospels, Jesus invites people to follow him and walk with him on his way.
We are to live in God, for God, and with God. We seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. We want his will to be done on earth, in our church, and in our lives. The only thing that truly matters now, that matters at all, and certainly matters in the end, is the Applause of Heaven.
May you hear the applause of heaven today, and the voice of God affirming you with the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
And then, hear it again tomorrow.
For Your Flourishing,
Pastor Brian Rice
Years ago, the famous preacher and author, Max Lucado, talked about the Applause of Heaven and the Audience of One.
God is the great and true reality. God is the beginning and the end, the first word and the final word. The one in whom we live and move and have our being. Therefore, what matters most is living Coram Deo (before the face of God).
In Genesis 17:1, God invites and instructs Abraham: Walk before me and be blameless or holy.
In Genesis 48:15-16, Jacob, nearing the end of his life, describes Abraham and Isaac as walking faithfully before God.
In the Gospels, Jesus invites people to follow him and walk with him on his way.
We are to live in God, for God, and with God. We seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. We want his will to be done on earth, in our church, and in our lives. The only thing that truly matters now, that matters at all, and certainly matters in the end, is the Applause of Heaven.
May you hear the applause of heaven today, and the voice of God affirming you with the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
And then, hear it again tomorrow.
For Your Flourishing,
Pastor Brian Rice