The End of Summer

The other day Becky and I realized that it is getting DARKER earlier.

That was SAD!

We really enjoy the summer, even though this has been a HOT one.

A long time ago, I was first struck by a very SAD verse from the prophet Jeremiah about summer coming to an end.

Some Bible versions may say, "... we are not refreshed."  

The Message says, "... for us, nothing's changed. We're still waiting to be rescued."

In these various ways, Jeremiah is saying it is a very SAD thing indeed when you come to the end of what should have been a time of growing, learning, being refreshed, and changing, and not much has happened. You feel like you are still stuck where you were.

Now what?

Well, the good news is that the Father and Son are always at work (John 5:17). God is always doing something new (Isaiah 43:19). Okay, the summer went by and you didn't see much happening. God is not done. With God there are always fresh starts, second chances, and new beginnings.

The FALL is here.

All kinds of opportunities await you.

Check Out Our Fall Communities

You can get into one of our many communities.  Check out our website for the many options. There is something for everyone. Sometimes a new group of people will launch a new work of God in your life. Look around our website (and app). Call us at the church if you have questions about the opportunities.

New Sermon Series Coming Your Way Soon

We have a new sermon series starting on September 18. It will be a great new time of learning and encountering God's will for your life. I'll tell you more about that next week.

Even Better Devotional Resources on the Church App

Get The App

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Download The App

Our Digital Team has been working on a greatly upgraded devotional app experience. They have put a lot of work into it and our staff team is doing the same, creating great spiritual content you can access in 5-10 minutes of your day.

We will have a short video introduction by a member of the Living Word Staff. There will be the devotional text for the day (the same text is available in print version in the church lobby). We have several short questions for reflection and application, then we close with a short prayer.

This is not a major investment of your time, but it can be one of the most valuable things you will do.

If you already have the app, you can find the daily devotional link at the very bottom of the home page.

If you want even more on the app, our staff continues to provide daily prayers to jumpstart your day.

Take the NEXT STEP

These are some of the next steps you can take to have a great FALL.

Be sure to stop by our Next Steps area in the church lobby. We have staff and ministry partners there every week to answer your questions.

If you are part of Living Word Online, call the church office during the week. On Sunday, as you are watching the service, chat with our Online Pastoral Team.

Here to Help you FLOURISH,
Pastor Brian Rice
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