Know How to be Ready

One of the old spiritual writers, Henri-Frederic Amiel, said, "To know how to be ready is a great thing, a precious gift..."

The New Testament talks about being ready, being prepared, being alert and watchful.

Jesus told parables about being ready (see Matthew 24:44 and Matthew 25:1-13).

The Apostle Paul told Titus to be ready to do whatever is good (Titus 3:1). To Timothy he said, "Be prepared in all seasons to do the work of reaching out." He also said be prepared to do all good works (2 Timothy 4:2; 2:21).

Three times Peter says, be alert and of sober mind (1 Peter 1:13, 4:7, 5:8).

How to be Ready at All Times

Simplify your way of life. 
Many times we are not ready because our lives are encumbered by many things. There are multiple allegiances and interests that divide our attention and consume our time. With all the demands of a busy life, we are just not able to be ready. And we must offer excuses, like those who said they had other obligations that kept them from being ready to follow Jesus (Luke 9:57-62).

Focus on a few priorities.  
We also live in a culture of "mass distraction." Social media is everywhere and it is all the time. We focus on too many trivial pursuits that have little meaning or purpose. We are bogged down by too many  attractions and enticements that keep us torn and pulled in multiple directions.

Your daily priority should be to seek above all else the kingdom of God.

Your daily prayer should be for the will of God to be revealed and done in your life.

Be prayerful during your day.
You can have frequent pauses to quiet your inner noise, slow down, and say, "Speak Lord, your servant is listening." This is known as practicing the presence of God. I believe God has many assignments for us that we simply miss because we are not attentive to the "still, small voice" that whispers to us.

Jesus is Always Working... Through You!

In John 5:17, Jesus said his Father was always at work and Jesus too was working. The Father, Son, and Spirit are always at work and much of that work is through YOU.

May our eyes be open to discern the presence, the will, the leading, the assignments that are given to us every day.

And may we bear much fruit to the glory of God as we say yes to God.

Are you ready?

In Grace and Peace,
Pastor Brian
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