Connecting and Growing This Fall

All year long there is wonderful activity taking place at Living Word. People gather together to CONNECT with old friends and to make new ones. People come together so they can GROW deeper in their life with Christ.

While this happens all year long, things do slow down in the summer as we all catch our breath and our people enjoy their summer plans.

But, late summer and early fall it gets busy around Living Word. Ministries that took a break start back up. People get back into their rhythms of life together. And lots of people get connected for the first time in one of our many opportunities for connecting and growing.
On Sunday, August 28, our lobby was buzzing with that activity. We had kiosks and tables set up for people to take their NEXT STEP and find a great opportunity to do life together at Living Word.

The team will be available in the lobby  on Sunday, September 11, to help you find the best way to CONNECT and GROW this fall. You can find the many opportunities listed on our website (CLICK HERE), as well as an easy way for you to either sign up or get more information.

No matter where you are in your journey with Jesus, we have something for you that will help you experience the work and plans of God for your life.

Living Word Online

We have a huge online audience that joins in on a variety of platforms as we livestream our church services.

While the Sunday morning experience is core or foundational for most of us, there is so much more that those who are part of Living Word Online can experience.

We'd love for you to check out the many options available for you this fall.

Our LifeGroups are an excellent option (for more on them, click here). Brenda Wilbur is our new LifeGroup director and she loves to help people get started in a new LifeGroup. You can find her on our Staff Page. Just scroll down to the Adult Formation Team and you can email her directly.
We have larger groups as well. We call them mid-size communities. Most of them are designed for men or women. They meet as a larger group AND they set up LifeGroups as part of their experience. Again, all the information is on our website, our church app, or you can just talk to someone at our Next Steps Center in the church lobby.

We are Here to Help You Flourish

We want you to experience the full life Jesus Christ has for you. While there is much more involved in that abundant life than CONNECT and GROW, those are two essential parts of flourishing.

Whether you are part of Living Word Onsite or Living Word Online, you matter to us. We are here for you. Take advantage of the many wonderful relationships as well as the pathways for growth.

It is going to be a GREAT FALL for YOU.

Blessings and Grace,
Pastor Brian Rice
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