Our Ongoing Commitment to Ukraine
by Pastor Brian Newman
The war in Ukraine is more than 6 months old. It is likely that more than 150,000 soldiers have been killed and thousands more civilians. It is a tragic situation.
The question for the Church is: How do we be the Church in the midst of war? It is important for us to seek God and wrestle with this.
At Living Word we have made a number of commitments and we desire to remain faithful to God in these:
While the war in Ukraine is horrific, we feel honored to come alongside people in great need and provide support and care.
~ Brian Newman
The question for the Church is: How do we be the Church in the midst of war? It is important for us to seek God and wrestle with this.
At Living Word we have made a number of commitments and we desire to remain faithful to God in these:
- We suffer with those who suffer and grieve with those who grieve. God never overlooks the evil in the world and neither should we. In fact, Jesus paid for our sins on the cross. He paid for the sins of this war in Ukraine as well.
- We give sacrificially to support the Church in Ukraine. Because of the generosity of hundreds of people at LWCC we have given more than $60,000 to a local church in western Ukraine and two church networks (Baptist and Pentecostal) in the Dnipro region in the east. These resources have provided shelter, food, medical care, transportation, and much more. The Church is the body of Christ and this is how we live out our faith in Christ in times of war.
- We pray without ceasing. We pray that the Lord would intervene soon and in a major way to halt the killing and to convict people's hearts.
While the war in Ukraine is horrific, we feel honored to come alongside people in great need and provide support and care.
~ Brian Newman