So Far in UnDivided...

Every week, there is a core idea that defines the message and weaves together with the other messages in our series on Romans 12-15.

WEEK 1: Romans 1-11.
We are all in this together. Therefore, do for others what Jesus does for you. That is, GIVE GRACE, lots of grace.

WEEK 2: Romans 12:1-2.
While the world brings out the worst in you, God's plan is to bring out the very best in you. Then, your mission is to bring out the very best in others. Another way of saying blessed to be a blessing.

WEEK 3: Romans 12:3-8.
God wants the church to be a community of devoted service to one another. As we are this kind of community, we show a better way of life that attracts and invites others to join in with that way of life. Our culture needs to see a BETTER WAY of life together.

What great messages. And we are still just getting started.

Dive into the devotional resources, whether the print copy, or the digital copy we have on our church app.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Brian Rice
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