Share God’s love and use your gifts by joining a ministry partner team!
Serving in kid::life
Welcome Team
Welcomes families and first-time guests to kid::life. Helps families check in their children to classes.
Serve in any capacity needed either throughout kid::life or in any one of our ministry areas.
Serve in classroom or small group when the regular leader is not available.
Safety/Check In
Ensure the safety of children by monitoring hallways and classrooms.
Nursery - Preschool (Birth - Age 5)
Care for babies and toddlers by rocking, playing, feeding, and attending to their needs.
Preschool Leader
Partner with another adult as you lead, interact, and connect with a class of preschoolers through prepared activities, games, and Bible storytelling.
Preschool Ministry Coordinator
Provide support to classrooms on Sunday morning and assist in other ways needed.
Kindergarten - Grade 6
Bring the Bible story to life in a dynamic and captivating way.
Tech Team Lead
Provide supervision to tech team on Sunday morning, including audio and visual.
Classroom Greeter
Welcome kids and parents to the classroom.
Worship Team Leader
Lead kids’ worship team in rehearsing motions for Sunday morning worship.
Small Group Leader
Interact and connect with a small group of 8-10 children while leading a prepared lesson and activity.
Base Camp & able::life
Base Camp
Is a program for children whose parents serve, therefore they are at church for two services. Base Camp provides a fun and interactive place for kids to play games, climb on our indoor play unit, make crafts, get a snack, and build relationships with each other.
Care for our attendees by simply being a friend! No special needs experience necessary. Serving in able::life includes talking and building relationships with attendees and their families, presenting the Bible story, completing crafts, and participating in games/activities. There is also an opportunity to be a buddy for individuals as they attend services in other areas and/or serve on Sunday mornings.