May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.
5 May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God.
Psalm 20:4-5
In what area of your life do you especially need to trust God now?
Psalm 20 - A Matter Of Trust
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. —Psalm 20:7
Psalms of blessing and hope can be powerful in our lives. Psalm 20 offers at least six blessings that begin with the phrase “May the Lord.” These are the blessings David prays over his people and for all of us:
Psalms of blessing and hope can be powerful in our lives. Psalm 20 offers at least six blessings that begin with the phrase “May the Lord.” These are the blessings David prays over his people and for all of us:
- Comfort in distress
- God’s protection
- Help and support
- Remember sacrifice
- Give you desires of your heart
- Make plans succeed
- Joy
- Lift our voice to God
- Finally, David prays, “May the Lord grant all your requests.”
That is quite the list of blessings and promises! Here’s the challenge for us: God answers prayer in ways that are different (sometimes very different) than we ask. He does not seem to always give us the desires of our hearts.
King David knew this truth. He experienced heartache many times when God acted in different ways than what David wanted.
And this brings us to the most famous verse of Psalm 20: Some trust in chariots . . . but we trust in the Lord. Some trust in human knowledge and experience, others put their trust in the Lord of all creation!
Today ask yourself this question: In what am I putting my trust?
Pray that the Lord would bless you in the way he wants to.
King David knew this truth. He experienced heartache many times when God acted in different ways than what David wanted.
And this brings us to the most famous verse of Psalm 20: Some trust in chariots . . . but we trust in the Lord. Some trust in human knowledge and experience, others put their trust in the Lord of all creation!
Today ask yourself this question: In what am I putting my trust?
Pray that the Lord would bless you in the way he wants to.