
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers

Psalm 1:1 NIV

How can you walk in step more with God and His Spirit?

Psalm 1 - Devotional
Choosing the Right Trajectory

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers ...”

Notice how this person is walking, then standing, and finally sitting. Their path is intentionally slowing down to spend more time with unwise people. The psalmist says, “Blessed is the one who does not do this.” Trajectory matters. The trajectory of Psalm 1 is the inverse of Jeremiah 6:16, which guides us in how to choose wisely.
  • STAND = Stop to think.
  • LOOK = Consider what’s going on around you.
  • ASK = What did wise people do in the past?
  • ASK AGAIN = What is good? What is right?
  • WALK = Do the right thing.
It is not enough to just know the right thing to do—we must do it. In Psalm 1 we see that people on the right trajectory delight in God’s Word. They meditate on it day and night (think about it repeatedly) and are like a tree flourishing, watched over by the Lord. The one who goes the wrong way is stressed. Our culture feels this tension. When we, or those we love, make unwise choices, it creates anxiety for everyone around us.

Take a moment to think about your life right now. Is there anyone you are walking in step with (following the advice of) who would cause a trusted friend or family member concern? Is there anyone you are standing around with who is engaged in activities you would be embarrassed for others to know about? Is there anywhere you are joining in mocking people?

Ask God to help you choose a better trajectory starting now.


God, help me discern if I am walking in step with someone or something that makes me lean away from you and your ways. Guide me to make good choices and to follow Your Spirit. You are who I want to walk in step with. In Your name, Amen.