Merge is a women’s mid-size community that includes large group teaching and small group discussion. Our purpose is to grow deeper in our walk with Jesus and grow our relationships. All women ages 18+ are welcome.

M2M is designed for moms who desire to raise their children God's way. Being a mom is stressful. In this mid-size community there is live teaching on relevant topics for moms and small group discussion led by seasoned moms.

Encountering Jesus Together is vital to the well-being of the church. Jesus called Christians to gather, break bread, serve each other, and reach out to others with the good news of Christ. LifeGroups are designed to fulfill the mission of Christ in community.

What makes you feel most connected to Jesus? Would you like to enjoy a morning hearing how others would answer this question? We want to encourage you by hearing how women have encountered Jesus by finding Beauty from Ashes. We invite you to round up your family, friends, and neighbors and join us on February 22, 2025 from 8:30am-12pm for a powerful morning of soul care, worship, breakfast and connection.
Breakfast 8:30-9:30
Event will be 9:30-12
Breakfast 8:30-9:30
Event will be 9:30-12
Women's Alliance
Women’s Alliance is a Tribe of women aged 13 + that meet in-person weekly for an outdoor 30 minute workout and 30 minute real-world devotional around a fire. Women’s Alliance’s mission is to fortify women to be the wives, sisters and leaders God created us to be. We love, support and hold each other up through all of life’s seasons.
Women’s Alliance Tribes meet behind Living Word on Thursdays at 5:30pm and/or Saturdays at 8:30am. For more information on Women’s Alliance or how to join the amazing tribe of women who meet weekly at Living Word, please contact Danielle Linebaugh.
Women’s Alliance Tribes meet behind Living Word on Thursdays at 5:30pm and/or Saturdays at 8:30am. For more information on Women’s Alliance or how to join the amazing tribe of women who meet weekly at Living Word, please contact Danielle Linebaugh.