birth - 6th grade  Sundays at 9:30 am and 11:00 am
 birth - 6th grade  
Sundays at 9:30 am and 11:00 am

kid::life  exists  to  help  kids  become  authentic  followers  of  Jesus.

NEW?  Stop by the welcome center in the main lobby.

What ages is kid::life for?
Children birth to 6th Grade

Where is kid::life?
Kid::life is located on both sides of the building. The age of your child determines which side of the building their class is located.  If you need assistance, stop by the welcome desk in the main lobby.

How do I check my child in for their kid::life class?
After your first visit with us, you will use your phone number to check your child into their class. Two tags will print out for you. One is a check-in tag that includes your child’s name, classroom, allergies, and a 3-digit pick-up code.  The other is a pick-up tag with the same code as your child’s check-in tag.  

Please note that 5th and 6th graders will not receive a parent pick up tag and are free to leave at the end of service.  Be sure to let your 5th or 6th grader know where you will meet them at the end of the service or if you will pick them up.

Is there a Nursing Moms' room?
Our nursing moms’ room is located next to the infant room in kid::life.  This is a private room that allows moms to watch the live streamed service while they nurse their little ones.  Due to space and size of the room, this is for moms only.  If you need help finding the nursing moms room, please ask for assistance at the main lobby Welcome or Next Steps counter. 

What is 5th Sunday?
There will be no kid::life programming on the last Sunday of the month. Your whole family is invited to attend the Main Auditorium services! 


We believe that even our youngest kid::life children have the ability to start learning about God through Bible based stories.

Nursery and Preschool  (Birth – 5)
Our nursery and preschool classrooms provide a loving atmosphere where we can help plant seeds about Biblical Truths. Our goal is to walk alongside parents as we start to grow their child’s faith journey TOGETHER.


Elementary (K-6)
We believe the Bible is ALIVE and through exciting teaching, engaging lessons, and energetic worship, we can make it come ALIVE for each and every one of our kid::life kids. In our Elementary classrooms, we teach God’s truths while encouraging healthy relationships between group leaders and the children that foster spiritual growth. Our goal is for children to explore and discover their faith by digging deeper TOGETHER.


In kid::life, these are the ways we Encounter Jesus Together!  

Watch This Week's Video


We were all created to worship God. Even the youngest of our kid::life crew can discover their "heart of worship" here at Living Word. From toddlers all the way up through grade 6, we create a safe and fun environment for kids of all ages to engage with our Living God through singing and motions.


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